Lidocaine Spray for Premature Ejaculation: How it Works for PE

For many men, lidocaine sprays are a safe and effective way to treat premature ejaculation. Can they work for you?

Dr. Gary Bellman
By Dr. Laurence Levine M.D. Medically reviewed by Dr. Gary Bellman Last updated 04/16/2024
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Happy couple after lidocaine spray fixed premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) affects countless men, whether as a chronic condition or an infrequent event.

Luckily, there are some very effective and safe treatments that can help to cure PE.

Quick FAQs

Yes, and most men see near-instant satisfaction when using a lidocaine spray to treat premature ejaculation. Side effects are extremely rare.

Don’t worry about it too much. Once you find the correct dosage for your needs you can use the lidocaine spray with confidence going forward.


When used as directed, Promescent lidocaine spray will have little to no transference to your partner. The same can’t be said for all lidocaine sprays, however, as Promescent uses a patented formula that helps the lidocaine absorb better.

Currently, there are no scientific long-term cures for premature ejaculation, however, lidocaine sprays have been a long-time, and safe fan favorite way to treat premature ejaculation.

One of the most researched products is lidocaine spray, which can temporarily desensitize the penis to improve stamina without hindering pleasure.

In this guide, we’ll look at all the ways lidocaine can help treat PE, along with other ways you can overcome premature ejaculation today.

What to Know About Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation (PE) is a problem that many men may encounter during their life, although there are different definitions and types of PE.

For some men, PE may be a chronic condition. For others, it may happen occasionally or very rarely. 

In some studies, nearly 40% of men have chronic PE, while roughly 50% of men occasionally experience premature ejaculation.

While many understand that premature ejaculation is when a man ejaculates too quickly, there are actually varying scientific opinions on what exactly defines PE.

The Urology Care Foundations defines PE as when a man ejaculates sooner than he would like.

The International Society for Sexual Medicine has more specific criteria. They define PE as ejaculating within one minute of intercourse or other sexual activity.

In a proposed new definition, the Journal of Sexual Medicine wishes to define chronic PE as when a man ejaculates in less than a minute 75% of the time during a six-month period.

Regardless of the varying definitions, frequent premature ejaculation can become very problematic for men and may cause a number of issues, including:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Reduced sexual satisfaction
  • Confidence issues

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

Chronic PE can occur for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common causes of premature ejaculation include:

  • Low serotonin
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Tightened pelvic floor muscles (PC muscles)
  • Infrequent sexual stimulation
  • Obesity
  • Substance abuse

Does Lidocaine Spray for Premature Ejaculation Work?

Lidocaine has been shown to safely and temporarily desensitize the penis to help overcome premature ejaculation. It prevents over-stimulation during intercourse and allows men to regain control over their stamina.

The man will still feel pleasure during intercourse, but without the hyper-stimulation that can lead to an early orgasm.

In multiple studies, lidocaine has been shown to significantly delay the time until ejaculation, sometimes by up to 10 minutes or more. Likewise, studies show that those who use lidocaine before sex last significantly longer than the placebo groups.

In many of these studies, sexual satisfaction for both partners also significantly increased.

How to Use Lidocaine Spray for Premature Ejaculation

While some lidocaine sprays may have different directions depending on the dosage, most are applied in the same way.

To start, use the least recommended amount of sprays along the skin of the penis shaft. If the directions say to use between 3-10 sprays, start with three sprays along all sides of the penis. Never use more than directed.

Gently rub the spray into the penis, and then wash your hands with soap and water. Make sure not to touch other parts of the body, such as the eyes, before washing it off.

Next, wait roughly 10-20 minutes for the product to fully absorb into the skin. If there is any moisture left, you can wipe it off or wash it off to prevent transference.

In most cases, lidocaine's effects will last up to one hour. It may be slightly more or less depending on the dosage used and individual reactions.

FAQs About Lidocaine Spray

What Are the Side Effects of Lidocaine Spray for Premature Ejaculation?

Lidocaine has been extensively studied for its safety and efficacy, and it has shown to be a generally safe product for most men when used as recommended.

However, there are potential lidocaine side effects including:

  • Irritation
  • Rash
  • Itchiness

If you experience any side effects, it’s important to discontinue use. Another potential side effect is transference to a partner.

Generally this side effect can be avoided by following the instructions and waiting for the product to be fully absorbed before intercourse. 

Some lidocaine sprays, like Promescent’s Delay Spray, utilize a special formula to aid in absorption and help minimize the risk of transference.

Additionally, lidocaine should be avoided if you or your partner are allergic to it.

Is Lidocaine or Benzocaine Better for Premature Ejaculation?

Both lidocaine and benzocaine have been shown to be safe and highly effective for fighting PE.

The main difference is that lidocaine is generally used as a spray, whereas benzocaine is often used as a wipe or cream.

 Other than the application and dosage, the effects are very similar for most people.

When Should I Use Lidocaine Spray for Premature Ejaculation?

In studies that found delay sprays to be effective in treating PE, participants applied lidocaine 10-20 minutes before intercourse.

This provides ample time for the product to fully absorb, reduce the risk of transference, and provide the ideal desensitizing effect.

Is Lidocaine Spray Safe?

Lidocaine premature ejaculation spray is generally regarded as safe for most men when used as directed.

As mentioned earlier, in some cases, there may be temporary localized side effects including:

  • Rash
  • Irritation
  • Itching
  • A burning sensation

Lidocaine toxicity can occur if very large amounts are used at once. It’s important to make sure to use the product as directed. Some signs of lidocaine toxicity include:

  • Dizziness
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • A change in blood pressure

If you experience any of these signs, wipe off any remaining product and call emergency services immediately.

When using a lidocaine spray for premature ejaculation, use the minimum recommended amount at first to see how you react, and never use more than directed.

Can You Use Lidocaine Spray if Your Partner is Pregnant?

Lidocaine spray for pre-ejaculation appears to be safe to use even while a partner is pregnant.

There are no known or reported impacts of lidocaine on pregnancy outcomes, and it is likely safe to use within the recommended guidelines.

Is It Safe to Use Lidocaine Spray With Viagra or Other ED Drugs?

Using lidocaine spray with Viagra (Sildenafil) or other erectile dysfunction (ED) medications is generally safe and effective. There appear to be no known interactions or complications when using both products as directed.

Along with being safe, it may also be beneficial according to one study that looked at the usage of Viagra and lidocaine spray for PE treatment.

Research found the group that used both Viagra and lidocaine sprays had the greatest improvement in their stamina during intercourse, compared to the groups that either used one product or a placebo.

Viagra and other similar ED medications generally require a prescription, and may have their own side effects to keep in mind.

How Long Does Lidocaine Spray Last?

In many cases, a lidocaine desensitizing spray can last up to an hour. After this time, the desensitizing effect will begin to slowly wear off until normal sensations return.

Should You Apply Lidocaine Spray While Flaccid or Erect?

Lidocaine for premature ejaculation can be applied while either flaccid or erect.

Promescent Delay Spray features a targeted spraying application to help improve the application process, and this can allow for more precise applications while also minimizing waste.

Is Lidocaine Spray Safe for Oral Sex?

Lidocaine spray is safe to use during oral sex, although precautions should be taken for both safety and satisfaction.

If engaging in oral sex, it’s important to wait until the lidocaine has fully absorbed into the skin to prevent transference. Rinsing the penis with mild soap and water can also help to prevent any transference once it's absorbed. 

Rinsing will also help to remove any taste or scent that the product may temporarily leave behind. If a partner has a lidocaine allergy, it’s important not to use the product for oral sex or any other form of sex.

Finally, lidocaine should never be swallowed. If swallowed, it’s important to contact poison control or emergency services immediately.

Can Lidocaine Spray Be Used With a Lubricant?

There are no known interactions when using a lidocaine desensitization spray and lubricant at the same time. However, there are some things you should keep in mind.

Before applying lubrication, make sure that the lidocaine delay spray has fully absorbed into the skin. After roughly 10 minutes, you can wipe off any remaining spray to prevent transference.

Once the lidocaine spray for early ejaculation has fully absorbed, you can safely use any lubrication as usual without risk. This includes water lubes, silicone lubes, and other personal products.

Can Lidocaine Spray Reduce Your Partner’s Sensitivity?

Using a lidocaine numbing spray for men should not reduce a partner’s sensitivity. However, the product should be used according to its instructions to prevent transference.

In most cases, you should wait at least 10 minutes for the spray to fully absorb into the skin. If any residue remains after 10 minutes, you can wash it off with water.

By waiting for the spray to absorb fully, and washing off any leftover residue, you can help to minimize the chance of any desensitization in your partner.

Does Lidocaine Spray Protect Against Pregnancy or STIs?

A lidocaine penis numbing spray will not protect against pregnancy or any sexually transmitted infections (STIs.)

To help protect against pregnancy, it’s recommended that people use contraceptives such as:

  • Condoms
  • Hormonal birth control
  • IUD
  • Other approved products designed specifically for birth control

While these products can help to prevent pregnancy, only condoms can help against STIs.

Although condoms do help, they do not guarantee protection against all sexually transmitted infections. It’s important to talk to your partner about any previous or ongoing infections.

Alternatives to Lidocaine Spray for PE

There are many PE treatments aside from lidocaine sprays that can also help to improve stamina. Many of these treatments have scientific research proving their effectiveness in delaying ejaculation.

Benzocaine Wipes

Benzocaine is a desensitizing agent that produces a similar effect to lidocaine. Studies have found it to be just as helpful in treating PE.

Benzocaine wipes are single-use, and they are designed to be applied along the penile shaft and head roughly 10 minutes before intercourse. As with sprays, users should allow the product to fully absorb to prevent transference.

Once absorbed, benzocaine may provide a desensitizing effect for 30-60 minutes.

Stop-Start Technique

The stop-start technique, also known as edging, can help to prevent PE when masturbating or enjoying sex.

Simply stop all contact or motion when right at the point of orgasm, and only continue once you feel the pleasure calming down.

In some cases, edging while masturbating may help to improve stamina during sex. It may provide a better understanding of the subtle sensations before climax, and it can allow you to calm down enough to prevent orgasm.

During sex, you can then use this technique by slowing down and changing the rhythm to prevent overstimulation.

However, edging during masturbation is often easier than during sex, as your partner may not want everything to stop and go throughout the experience. 

To prevent it from feeling clinical, you can focus on your partner during those cool-down moments to ensure they stay in the mood while you relax and regain your composure. Once the stimulation settles down, you can then continue again.

Squeeze Method

Some studies have found the squeeze method to be potentially beneficial in treating PE. It’s done by gently squeezing the head of the penis before an orgasm occurs.

By lightly squeezing, it can help to reduce sensations and prevent ejaculation from occurring. Please note that you are not trying to forcefully prevent or block an ejaculation. The squeeze should never be painful or uncomfortable.

Once the feeling of impending orgasm has subsided, you can continue intercourse.

Pelvic Floor Exercises

Pelvic floor exercises, also known as kegels, can help to increase your ejaculatory control and may treat premature ejaculation. In some cases, they may also increase erectile strength and prevent erectile dysfunction as well.

To practice a kegel, lightly flex the same muscle that’s used to stop the flow of urine and hold it for a few seconds before releasing. Gently doing a few kegels throughout the day may improve erectile strength.

To help with stamina, you’ll want to try a reverse kegel, which is the exact opposite of a kegel. Imagine lightly pushing out urine while using the same muscle as during a kegel.

During sex, you can occasionally do reverse kegels to help loosen the pelvic floor and prevent overstimulation. Your body naturally does kegels during ejaculation, and by doing reverse kegels, you can help relieve some tension to potentially gain more endurance.

Thick Condoms

Thickened condoms were found to preserve and extend the time of penile erection. It also helped patients resist premature ejaculation. 

If you’re using condoms, it may be worthwhile to try new styles and sizes to see if they reduce sensation.


There are some prescription medications available that may help to treat premature ejaculation. In many cases, these are SSRIs, which are often used to treat depression. 

Delayed ejaculation is a commonly reported side effect, and while a prescription is necessary, it may be provided for some individuals if their PE is chronic or severe enough.

Some prescription medications that show promise for fighting PE include:

  • SSRIs
  • PDE5 inhibitors (Viagra, Cialis)
  • Pain relievers


Does desensitizing spray work? Based on the research, a lidocaine delay spray can help to significantly improve time before orgasm during intercourse and help to fight premature ejaculation.

Lidocaine has been shown to be safe and effective for most men, and it remains one of the top treatments for PE available today.

Although lidocaine is regarded as safe, it’s important to talk with your doctor before starting anything new. If premature ejaculation persists, working with a doctor can help you find the root cause and the best solution for you.

Dr. Gary Bellman

Dr. Gary Bellman

Dr. Gary Bellman is a board certified urologist specializing in Men's Health. He is the owner and founder of the Southern California Urology Institute and has 30 years of experience taking care of men's health issues.


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The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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